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Hi, please read this article (you are here) and follow the instructions.

We thank you, glad you found it helpful! :)

Hi, I think you need to put a space between ".exe" and "--disable-frame-rate-limit." as mentioned in this post above. Try it and let me know if that helped, good luck! :)

Hey there!

If you mean "in the crate, Tankoins come in 6, 9, 7, etc. only" or in other words, "I only get less Tankoins from Coinboxes", please note that what you get from them is random and you must keep trying. Best of luck!

Hey, we are sorry to hear that. However, what it does has actually been explained, it has been quoted below.

Antialiasing: Turns on and off antialiasing. When turned on, objects appear smoother, lacking jagged edges and other somewhat unsightly features.

If you would like to learn more about anti-aliasing, please read this Wikipedia article. Good day!

All good, thank you for using our Help Site!

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